Install ubuntu on usb for mac from windows
Install ubuntu on usb for mac from windows

So, what to do if you want to install Windows over existing Ubuntu Linux? Or is it that we have to always go the other way around only? The answer is No. The system is only left with Windows without any trace of Ubuntu. Whereas, if the user installs Windows over existing Ubuntu Linux, there are two problems: The Ubuntu Linux is lost ! The boot loader menu is also lost ! Normally, when a user installs Ubuntu Linux over Windows, things go fine. He can restart the operating system he is using, select another operating system from boot menu and load it. The user can also switch between Linux and Windows as per his requirement.

install ubuntu on usb for mac from windows

User may choose either Windows or Linux from the boot menu to load the operating system. On successful installation, the user gets an option to choose one of the dual boot operating systems. Generally, a user installs Windows first and then installs Ubuntu Linux after Windows. We will install each of the operating system on a different disk partition. That means you can either load Windows or Ubuntu Linux at a time. The system can load one of the operating system at a time. Each of these Operating Systems will act as a Host Machine. In this article we are taking Ubuntu flavor of Linux Operating System. Generally, users install Windows and Linux Operating Systems in dual boot mode on their computers. It is a common practice to install multiple operating system on a computer.

install ubuntu on usb for mac from windows

Then repair GRUB boot loader to access Windows as well as Ubuntu in dual boot mode.


In this article we will see how to install Windows in dual boot mode on a computer on which Ubuntu is already installed.

Install ubuntu on usb for mac from windows